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The Sydneyist

The Sydneyist

Thursdays at 6pm

Presented By: Elizabeth Farrelly

City-making is the most public of all art forms, yet the least publicly discussed. Now, more than ever, we need this conversation. Sydney is changing faster than ever but questions as to how it is changing – and how it should change – are seldom addressed. Are skyscrapers the best way to densify? How do we define heritage? Should more of us cycle to work? Will we continue to work from home? Is the affordability crisis solvable? Must we sacrifice koalas for homes?

These questions scarcely rate a mention in the media and even the most energised community groups typically feel excluded from decision-making. The Sydneyist seeks to fill this gap by energising public debate. Each Thursday at 6pm we’ll have lots of talk, some fun, a smidgeon of politics bit definitely NO WHINGEING. Join presenter Elizabeth Farrelly, producer Sophie Kennedy White and their informed guests in sharing opinions and insights on how to help Sydney find its best self. 

Dr Elizabeth Farrelly is a writer, columnist, academic, multi award-winning critic and former City of Sydney Councillor who trained in architecture and philosophy. She has a PhD in Sydney urbanism and a long history of working from different angles to make Sydney better. She currently writes for The Saturday paper and ArchitectureAU. Her most recent book is Killing Sydney; the Fight for a City’s Soul and the next one will be Saving Sydney; ten ideas towards Sydney’s better self. Signup for our Newsletter and you can connect with the team at The Sydneyist via our social media channels or get in touch by email we’d love to hear from you:





Post: c/o The Sydneyist, Eastside Radio P.O. Box 343 Paddington NSW 2021

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