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Rebellious Daughters

September 07, 2016

On Arts Wednesday 7 September 2016, Sylvia’s guest was Maria Katsonis, co-editor of Rebellious Daughters, a book of essays by distinguished Australian female writers. You can listen to the conversation below:

That was Part 1 and now for Part 2:


And now for Part 3:

Maria Katsonis
Maria Katsonis






Below is a poem by Sydney author Bill Widerberg who wrote it in response to a rebellious daughter:


A name,
A light under a door,
A noise in the kitchen,
A fleeting figure in a corridor,
Sought by voices on the telephone,
Never there.
A chair pushed back,
A glass, a bottle used,
A bed disturbed,
Clothes upon the floor,
She does live here.
But no word, no clasp, no kiss,
She must not care.

Posted in: Podcast

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