“Dub me Senseless“
The Mad Professor is coming back!
Only weeks from now Sydney will welcome The Mad Professor. He is currently on tour giving multiple performances in Australia.

The man who played a significant part in transitioning dub into the digital age is considered one of the leading producers of dub music. The British artist, born in Guyana, opened his own recording studio, Ariwa Sounds, in 1979. Since then the Mad Professor’s music has succeeded around the globe and his skills brought us countless remixes and original music as well as have collaborations with other artists. That way he has worked in different genres and countries all over the world which now leads him to Australia to perform both his latest and renown songs.
He will be supported by K-Note, More Judgement, Chris Munky and Foreign Dub.
Quick Fact: Mad Professors curiosity for electronics and music came from listening to the people on the radio, which he admitted in an interview towards TAPE OP.
The only decision you have to make is wether to see the Mad Professor on Wednesday the 13th or Friday the 15th March. The show on Wednesday takes place in the Shark Bar in Manly whereas the Friday Night show is happening at Metro Social Sydney.
“The first dub is the deepest!” it says in his Instagram Bio. Click here to check out the legend on social media.
WHO: The Mad Professor – Dub Me Senseless
WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 @SharkBarManly
Friday, March 15, 2024 @ MetroSocialSydney
To find out more CLICK HERE
Another Stick Mareebo Production proudly sponsoring Eastside Radio.
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