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Significant Places

March 19, 2019

21 March 2019

The Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park Sydney

Just because peace treaties are signed after major wars, the impact of those wars still resound over many future decades.

Late last year, the restoration of the Anzac War Memorial in Hyde Park was completed, an ultimate tribute at the end of the commemoration of 100 years since World War One devastated so many lives during the years 1914 – 1918.

As part of the restoration, this extraordinary building, renowned as one of the finest Art Deco Memorial structures and honouring service and sacrifice, was significantly extended. The completed Memorial, now supports the importance of its role – not only to commemorate the contribution of military personnel, but also to continue to teach us about the impact of war.

Caroline Mackaness, Head of the Office of Veterans Affairs in NSW spoke to me at the end of last year about the Anzac Memorial and its restoration, and as Anzac Day 2019 approaches, I am playing this interview with her for the first time.

Woollahra Libraries

The Woollahra libraries are another extraordinary community resource. Corinna Pierce, Customer Service Team leader at the Woollahra Libraries, joins Arts Thursday to discuss the changing role of libraries from hushed book repositories to community living rooms.  We’ll also find out about the new opening times at the Paddington Library and a program of events on 31 March to celebrate this library.


The Anzac Memorial

Woollahra Libraries

Paddington Library – Sunday Funday 31 March


The whole program can be heard on demand through the Arts Thursday page /arts/artsthursday/ by clicking on the date 21 March 2019.

And watch out for individual podcasts.

Join Maisy Stapleton fortnightly from 10:30 to noon on Arts Thursday for conversations, behind-the-scenes views and in-depth coverage of Sydney’s culture, arts stories and issues.



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