Live Stream

Great Scott! Short Black to the Future

July 11, 2024

Hi! I’m Scott, a 4th year uni student from UNSW studying a double degree in Arts and Law. For the Arts side (we don’t talk about law), I major in Music Studies and minor in Politics. I’ve been an avid player and enjoyer of music all my life, and I spend unhealthy amounts of time geeking out about music of all genres and locales. My roots are in soul and rock, but you’ll find me listening to almost anything, from jazz rap to Korean indie.

In my spare time, I’m either off jamming/gigging with my band, tucked away in my room reading Hemingway, or out in the courts playing ball 🙂

Being a musician, I have long been immersed in Sydney’s vibrant art scene. Through playing gigs and connecting with other like-minded artists, I have fallen for the culture and creativity that breeds in our city. Upon discovering Eastside, I immediately came to appreciate its support for not only the soul, jazz and blues that I love, but also for the amazing local music that surrounds me. I’m eager to contribute to this wonderful station, whether it’s through writing album reviews for local artists, hosting a show, producing or even just making coffee for everyone here!

An amazing, soulful live performance by one of my favourite artists. My life changed the day I listened to D’angelo for the first time, and yours is about to change too.

For all the softies out there, this K-indie track might just be the most beautiful thing humans have ever made.

A heart-wrenching, mind-bending song I’ve been jamming to recently. If you haven’t already, go check out The Lazy Eyes! They’re a local band from Newtown that’s made it BIG, and for good reason too 🙂

Posted in: Program Blogs

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