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Meet Jillian, Eastside’s Newest Intern

November 01, 2022

Hi all, 

My name is Jillian and I am 18 years old. At the moment I am on a gap semester program where I am traveling the world and pursuing new experiences which have led me here! I will be an intern at Eastside for the next month and I can’t wait to meet everyone and hear about what drew them to the world of music and radio.

One of my biggest motivations and passions is music and it has become the center of my focus for the past while. I love exploring new music and being able to hear and experience different views people have through listening to it. My favorite artists have come to me through word of mouth and there’s no rhyme or reason as to which ones I enjoy. I might listen to a ballad one day and a jazz standard the next. Some of my favorite artists at the moment are Harry Styles, Ashe, and Fleetwood Mac. I’ve found that one of the greatest ways to relate to other people is through music and their experiences with it. From having conversations about songs and why people love the artists they’ve chosen to support I can learn so much about them. 

I currently live right outside of New York City in Connecticut. I’ve found that being in this area has had a great influence on my passion for music in the past few years. Having the ability to go to a bunch of different shows and hearing such a vast range of music has really changed my life. I’ve met so many cool people and made some of my best friends through the shows I’ve been to.


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