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Kabushka Ngemba Workshops Come to the Eastern Suburbs

September 06, 2022

Indigenous Artist Kabushka Ngemba brings arts & culture workshops to Sydney’s East

Kabushka Ngemba brings her Dot Art Circle Workshops to the Eastern Suburbs. Learn all about the meaning of indigenous art, the stories behind each component and compose your own work of art by the end of the session.

Kabushka is a highly entertaining, contemporary Aboriginal artist, who loves to share her indigenous roots and culture with all people.

Bridging the Gap
Kabushka believes the more we share the knowledge, the better we understand each other and only then can we truly move forward together.

Kabushka’s Dot Art workshops can be run for a myriad of occasions, perfect for:
● Team Building
● Schools
● Private Workshops
● Public Workshops – Chippendale & Bondi
● Nursing Homes

What: Dot Art Circle Workshops

Who: Kabushka Ngemba

To Find Out More and Book Your Workshop, Call 0432 648 888

or Click Here

Posted in: Sponsors

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