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Further Rain Delays Expected

January 15, 2016

Well it looks like all this rain, whilst good for the farmers, is not so good for the station!

We’re currently experiencing difficulty in Paddington Town Hall where Eastside Radio is located with our phone lines down and our internet connection somewhat intermittent. Large parts of Paddington are also affected which means we now have to rely on Telstra to try to solve this problem.

We’ve been advised that the problem is located at their exchange in the east MC57 location with 57 cables damaged and 724 pairs of cables needing attention. Their estimated time to repair this could be as late as Monday the 11th of January.

We’re still up and running and on the air and our website, streaming and On Demand is still going online.

We’ve arranged for a new mobile to be delivered to the station ASAP so that all calls can be diverted from our phone number.

Thanks everyone for your patience and for supporting our station!



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