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Coral: Art, Science, Life

July 24, 2017
Jenny Pollak, 1 Degree of Separation, 2011, courtesy the artist and the Macleay Museum, Sydney
Jenny Pollak, 1 Degree of Separation, 2011, courtesy the artist

Art Monday’s Jane Raffan delves into the fascinating and fragile world of coral in interviews with the Macleay Museum’s Dr Jude Philp, centred on an exhibition called Coral: Art, Science, Life.

In Coral: art, four artists exhibit works that explore our relationship with this fragile waterscape.

In Coral: science, the work of four University scientists demonstrates the importance of research for understanding the reefs and their future.

In Coral: life, two schools in the Torres Strait share their vision of living on the reefs of the Coral Sea.

Interview I

Interview II

Interview III

Posted in: Podcast

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