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Albums of the Week: A Willed and Conscious Balance – Tomin // Ripple on a Wing – Ella Thompson

November 20, 2024

A Willed and Conscious Balance – Tomin

Tomin’s debut full-length work, A Willed and Conscious Balance, answers a set of questions left unasked in recent years, as a new generation of artists re-energizes the tradition often referred to as “jazz” into its own directions.

Ripple on a Wing – Ella Thompson

Ella Thompson’s new record Ripple on the Wing is a soaring 10 song collection – a sweet and spooky modern take on classic soul music. With echoes of 1960’s lowrider love songs and haunting cinematic arrangements; Ella sings songs of personal empowerment & self-realisation alongside classic themes of love & longing.

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