Online Supporter

You can now sign up to be a Supporter via Paypal or with your credit card!

NB: There is an automatic $5 postage and handling fee. If you would prefer to pick up from the station, please call 9331 3000 to support.

ConcessionFor students, pensioners or the unemployed (12months)$44[wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:2:end]
FullThe standard (12months)$88[wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:3:end]
GoldFor our passionate listeners (12months)$150[wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:4:end]
BusinessUnbeatable Benefits$300[wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:5:end]

Rather us contact you instead?

Use the below form if you would prefer to pay via cash, cheque or bank transfer.  An eastside representative will contact you asap.

[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]

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